Wilbur Semantic Web Toolkit for CLOS
Wilbur was originally conceived as Nokia Research Center's toolkit for programming Semantic Web applications that use RDF (as well as XML), written in Common Lisp. It was developed by the Agent Technology group of Nokia Research Center. The work was supported in part by Nokia Mobile Phones (NMP) and Nokia Ventures Organization (NVO), as well as Nokia Venture Partners, LP.
Send mail to Ora Lassila if you have questions/comments. If your project is using Wilbur, drop us a line, and we can add a link to your project home page.
NOTE: We are no longer actively maintaining Wilbur. See below for the latest release and license change.
- 2010-02-14: The (tentatively) final release of Wilbur2 is available as a gzipped tarball. We have also changed the license to LLGPL to make it easier, perhaps, for others to take the source code and continue to maintain it.
- 2005-09-20: A "pre-release" of Wilbur2 is available as a gzipped tarball. Use at your own risk!
- 2005-03-24: Ora's blog intends to discuss Wilbur.
- 2005-03-09: Wilbur is mentioned in a C|Net article.
- 2005-02-15: Wilbur is mentioned in a recent survey of Semantic Web toolkits.
- 2005-01-12: We are working on "Wilbur 2", a broad redesign of the Wilbur API.
- 2004-05-11: Comparison of Wilbur Query Language (against other RDF query languages) is available.
- 2004-02-28: Multiple bug fixes were committed to the CVS repository. These represent an "interim" stage (usable, though). We are working on final RDF Core conformance update, out soon.
- 2002-11-07: Wilbur-related paper from ISWC 2002 is available
- 2002-06-11: Allegro Common Lisp users should get the code from the tag LST-2002-06-11-SNAP in the CVS repository. (Informal instructions for UNIX and other command line CVS users are available.)
- 2001-08-02: Wilbur talk (paper & slides) at SWWS'01 is available
- 2001-07-18: Our first release ("pre-alpha") is available! (thanks to Louis Theran for making this happen)

Wilbur: Copyright